The New Single From Her New Album "Memories Of An Imperfect Angel" 2009, Free Download Single Mp3


Mariah Carey's hotly anticipated new single 'Obsessed' has literally (literally) just premiered on Chicago's B96 radio station...and it's not good news (IMO).

The Tricky Stewart produced and (The) Dream penned cut sees Mariah sing - vocoder effect en toe- over a much more Urban sounding beat - in comparison to the single offerings from her last effort 'E=MC2'. Getting the 'good' out of the way first; the record is a laced with catchy hooks that should ensure it be a fixture on the radio.

The bad? Basically everything else! For an artist who is oft labelled 'The Voice', this isn't a good look - at all. For IMO any mediocre R&B chick could have churned out the very same track - to much less fanfare. The overly-processed and cooked-up sound of Mariah's voice via the vocoder also doesn't do the 39 year old any favours in the forever-raging debate about the state of her voice. Summed up, Mariah dropped the ball with this one. I'll probably become "Lamb Stew" for this, but oh well...LOL.

cLick HeRe To dOWnLoaD Song's

"Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel" 2009



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